spatial dispersion中文什么意思

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  1. On the base of analysis of hydrologic geology from aquifer distribution , boundary conditions and dynamic characters etc . in the research area , the paper sums up the hydrologic geologic condition , builds up the conceptual model of groundwater resource evaluation and presents 2d calculation model , as well as numeric solution and computing flow chart . after introducing general solutions of mathematic models and implementation method of rectangular grid , the paper realizes the automatic technique of spatial dispersion rectangular grid of evaluation models based on gis . finally , the paper fulfills the integration of gis with groundwater resource evaluation models from gis - based basic management information , spatio - temporal dispersion of models , definition of subprogram and visual evaluation of parameters , as well as models simulation etc . , and visualizes the results of evaluation models


  1. spatial dimensions 什么意思
  2. spatial dimensions of economics 什么意思
  3. spatial discretization 什么意思
  4. spatial discrimination 什么意思
  5. spatial disorientation 什么意思
  6. spatial disposition 什么意思
  7. spatial distance 什么意思
  8. spatial distortion 什么意思
  9. spatial distribution 什么意思
  10. spatial distribution interference 什么意思


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